FareArena By Rclipse

FareArena is a travel metasearch site that finds and compares the best offers on flights, hotels, and car rentals. We're free, which means that we never add any booking fees, and we never use cookies to inflate prices.
What we do
What we do
FareArena is a global travel search site comparing flights, hotels and car rental deals.
We don’t sell flight tickets, hotel rooms or car rental deals – we show you an overview of available travel options, the latest available prices and let you choose the offer you prefer. One click and you’re taken directly to your chosen site where the booking is completed.
Today, we inspire travellers across more than 30 international markets and are internationally praised for our unique product and services. We have been recommended by leading media such as The Daily Telegraph, Forbes, Time and AOL, and have won industry accolades for Best Meta Search Website and Best Airfare Search Site.
Our vision
We think everybody should be able to travel the world. Our vision is of a world where our differences are a source of inspiration and development, not intolerance and prejudice. Our purpose is to give courage and encourage each one of us to stay curious and be open-minded so we can all enjoy a better, more diversified world.
Let’s Open Our World
We were founded in 2006 and are based in Copenhagen, Denmark. FareArena is managed by Rclipse Travel, part of Rclipse. We’re all passionate about our work, and we all take great pride in opening the world, together with our fellow travellers.